Beyond Body
Beyond Body Coaching

Term of Service

Client Package Terms and Agreement

During the duration of your contract, should you choose not to adhere to your plan, miss check- ins, or disappear without notice, any missed weeks will be deducted from your plan. Your program’s duration is allocated specifically for you and is non-refundable. It is your responsibility to follow the plan and check in on time. My program spaces are limited due to high demand, and I aim to provide every client with the same quality and attention to coaching. The term’s duration pertains to the package you have selected and paid for.

  1. Pausing Your Plan:


Under exceptional circumstances and after discussion, pausing your plan or package may be considered. However, remember that you are embarking on a journey to build a sustainable lifestyle.

  1. Refunds:


Once any part of your program has been delivered to you, refunds will no longer be possible.

  1. Check-In:


Failure to check in will result in your program not being updated.

  1. Extending Your Program:


As a returning client, you will always have priority for available spaces. Three days before your program ends, please inform me if you wish to purchase another package.

  1. Coach Requirements:


As your coach, I strive to accommodate your lifestyle and assist in developing healthy habits. I aim not only to coach you but also to impart skills that support a healthier lifestyle, even when I’m not actively guiding you. I understand that life can present challenges, and we may deviate from the plan, but honest communication is crucial for you to receive the best guidance. We are all human, and life happens. Just do your best, and I’ll take care of the rest. Let’s embark on a journey toward the best version of yourself, a journey you can enjoy.

  1. Photo Permissions:


By signing this contract, you agree to the sharing of both before and after photos. These photos will not reveal your face, and all scars and tattoos will be adequately concealed to protect your identity.”

  1. Cancellation policy:

Any cancellation of a 1 to 1 session with less than 24 hours’ notice will result in the forfeiture of that session. However, in cases of illness, family emergencies, or similar mitigating circumstances, the loss of a session will be exempt.

  1. 4 week package policy:


This provision applies exclusively to holders of the 4-week package. In the event that weekly sessions are not scheduled during any of the weeks of the 4-week period, the particular week / sessions will be deducted from the package and will no longer be available for use. 

  1. Program Sharing Terms:


 By signing this contract, you agree not to share any information provided during the program. Sharing includes social media posts, screenshots, copies, or any form of distribution of the program content. You are not permitted to share the program with your co-workers, friends, family members, or anyone else. Each program is tailored to your lifestyle, eating habits, activity level, genetics, health history, and sleeping patterns. Sharing this information is neither safe nor ethical. Failure to comply may result in immediate termination of your program without a refund and potential legal action.

Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement for Fitness Coaching:

I,                                         , hereby agree to allow Jeyda Beyond Body Ltd to design a weight management program for me to enhance my health and fitness goals. I commit to following this program to the best of my ability and will not hold Jeyda liable for any problems, illnesses, or injuries that may occur due to sudden changes in my eating habits. It is important to note that this weight management program does not replace the expert advice or medical treatment provided by my personal doctor. I have provided Jeyda with all necessary information about myself to prevent any possible complications.


Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement:

I,   the undersigned (“the Purchaser”), hereby warrant that I will indemnify and hold harmless Jeyda Beyond Body Ltd, known hereafter as “the Sellers,” including its officers, directors, agents, and employees. This indemnification and hold harmless warranty extend to Sellers, individually and separately, as well as to the corporation’s successors and subsidiaries, against any and all claims, demands, actions, and causes of action, including personal injury and all other liability whatsoever, including but not limited to costs, attorney’s fees, and judgments arising from the use of the programs.

I further warrant that the program is intended for use within the United Kingdom and that I will hold harmless and indemnify the Sellers corporation, its agents, directors, officers, employees, and individuals named in paragraph one of this Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement against any and all claims for liability and/or damages arising from any violations of Codes, Statutes, Licensing Procedures, Licensure Examinations, and/or Registration Requirements of such state(s) governing the practice of dietetics, weight management, nutritional counseling, or advice, whether known or unknown to me at the time of purchase and subsequent use of the DietMaster Pro weight management software program(s). This indemnification includes but is not limited to costs, attorney’s fees, and damages, whether or not reduced to judgment, and judgments that might arise from such claims, lawsuits, and/or administrative filings.

I understand that this indemnification includes all costs and attorney fees incurred by the Sellers in the investigation and defense of any claims enumerated in the preceding paragraphs prior to determining an exact date of occurrence, incident, or violation upon which such alleged claims may be based.

I confirm that my signature on this document signifies my agreement to be bound by the terms of this Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement. I am contractually bound to indemnify the Sellers, its agents, directors, officers, employees, and the individuals named in the preceding paragraphs. This obligation also includes the responsibility to pay any and all costs and attorney’s fees that may be incurred by the Sellers in defending their agents, directors, officers, employees, and individuals named in the preceding paragraphs.